Interviewing FAQ's  

Should I bring a cover letter to the interview?

To answer this question, a person should understand the purpose of a cover letter. A cover letter serves as an introduction document for the resume, outlining the knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to prospective employers. A cover letter can not only focus on the job seeker’s past, but can also bring to light future plans and aspirations. Since an interview insinuates that the employer has already received and read the resume, a cover letter isn’t necessary to bring to the interview.

How do I explain the reason for leaving a previous employer?

I’m probably 100% accurate when I say there isn’t an interviewing professional in the world that would recommend saying something negative about a previous employer. With this said, it’s important to look positively upon leaving a past employer — regardless of whether it was your decision, theirs, or both. Employers understand that not all marriages last, so employees don’t generally commit to employers for a lifetime. Leaving an employer can be explained using clauses such as “the position didn’t have room for growth” or “I felt my capabilities were being underutilized so I felt it was best that I seek employment elsewhere.” After making a statement containing one of these clauses, I would then focus on the assets you’ll be bringing to this employer.

What is your least favorite job duty?

Questions that demand a negative answer tend to corner interviewees. A least favorite job duty can cover mundane, every-day duties like filing. I recommend mentioning a job skill that will not be required (or on a limited basis) of the position you’re interviewing for. For example, an electrical engineer might say, “I tend to have problems copying because copiers love to jam up on me.” (… let out a little chuckle to show the interviewer you have a sense of humor)

Devise a statement that answers the interviewers question, yet doesn’t reflect negatively upon your abilities to perform the position.

Thank-you letter for the 2nd interview?

A thank-you letter is just that, a way of thanking the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. A letter is important for all interviews, especially if you met with another interviewer — possibly a panel or lunch interview where several company reps were present. Use different stationery for the second letter.

How would your colleagues describe you?

It’s difficult to speculate on what colleagues would say truthfully, making it challenging to answer this question. Of course, you can answer a number of different ways as long as you answer it honestly and without negativity. Focus on your strong work ethic.


1 komentar: to “ Interviewing FAQ's

  • Anonymous
    9:47 AM  

    I really agreed with no saying anything negative about previous employer. People will come to think that you might be saying the same think about him if you are to leave their company.
    I like the analogy you use on marriage :)